NEW FULL SET of 9 Color Holographic Pigment Powders
NEW FULL SET of 9 Color Holographic Pigment Powders
Full Set of 9 Colors
Each jar contains - 1 gram of beautiful Mirror Color Holographic Pigment Powders.
Color Descriptions:
“CH01 Sanitarium”- an amazing highly pigmented holographic silver
“CH 03 Crazy Train Purple” - a gorgeous highly pigmented holographic purple
”CH 05 Poison” - a ridiculously highly pigmented holographic green
”CH 06 Up All Night” - a beautiful deep dark holographic blue
”CH08 Kiss Me Deadly” - a charmingly pretty pigmented holographic Pink
CH09 "Metal Health” - a stunning holographic dark grey
”CH11 Heaven” - a lovely holographic light gold
”CH15 Love Song” - (my favorite) a fascinating holographic light blue
”CH 16 Start Me Up” - an extremely magnificent holographic bright gold
trust me…. These pigments ROCK!